Family Promise
From Terry Lindemann, Executive Director of Family Promise
I simply cannot find the words to tell you how precious the Crossing Church is to me personally and Family Promise. My heart is just bursting with gratitude and love for all of you and the way you stepped up to help Family Promise when we needed it most. I still cry when I think about it. Until the social distancing is over I chose to have you only do one family to protect your overnighter but when it ends in 30 days I will feel safer to give you three families if you all are still able to help for a bit. My assessment is that we will not be able to go back into the congregations for many months if at all. You at the Crossing are unique in that when the storm hit…,you ran into the storm to help. Most of our other congregations do not have the strength and courage of faith that you all have. Probably for two reasons…,your church leadership preaches service globally as well as locally and that inspires your members to step up and serve as Christ has asked us to do. The Crossing has always been on our side of the line and that gives me personally the courage to continue this work. I have not in my lifetime ever been called to serve and consider the fact that it is dangerous to my own survival. Yet, I personally believe this is my response to Christ’s call to care for his children. All of you give me the strength to continue. I taught Sunday School for 20 years and one of my favorite verses was “Blessed is he who will be caught working on his return”. That has stuck with me and who doesn’t want a blessing…right! Thank you!